Exporting your Kindle Highlights


Exporting your Kindle Highlights is easy and only takes a couple of clicks to do it manually or none at all if you turn on Auto Exports.

The export process involves:

  1. Selecting the Content to Export.
  2. Choosing an Export Destination.


Selecting Content to Export

When you perform an export the Kindle Highlights that get exported are determined by what is selected in the left hand navigation menu.

Exporting all your Kindle Highlights

When you want to export all your Kindle Highlights you can do easily by clicking the Export Icon or the Export menu item. Use can also navigate directly to https://my.clippings.io/explorer/all/export/wizard .

  1. Click the Export Icon which will open the export page with All Highlights selected as the export content.
  2. Or, click the Export menu item in the Quick Links section of the left hand navigation menu.
  3. Alternatively, click All Highlights in the left hand navigation bar.
  4. And then click the Export Icon to the toolbar.

Exporting the active selection

You can also export all the highlights for active selection in the left hand navigation menu. This can be one of the following:

  • A single book
  • A tag
  • An import
  • A search result

When you want to export the currently selected item in the left hand navbar you need to first select the item and then click the export button in the top right of the toolbar.

  1. Select the item in the left hand navigation menu.
  2. Click the Export button in the top right of the toolbar.
When you want to export the active selection you need to use the export button in the top right of the toolbar, this sets the export content to be the selected item. The export icon and the export menu item in the left hand navigation menu will select all your Kindle Highlights as the export content as opposed to the actively selected item.

Choosing an Export Destination

When you export there are two main export destinations you can choose from. You can either export to an integration, like Dropbox, or export to a file download, like PDF or Markdown.

  1. Click the Integrations tab to see the available integrations you can export to.
  2. Click the File downloads tab to see the available download options you have.

Select an integration or file download to export to by clicking on the item.

Next see our Exporting to an Integration Guide and Exporting to a File Download Guide