Working with Individual Highlights
The Kindle Highlight Editor allows you to view and edit your Kindle Highlights and perform actions to help organise your Highlights like favoriting and tagging.
Highlight Editor
- Favorite your Kindle Highlight by clicking this menu item or the heart icon in the footer. See Favoriting your Kindle Highlights
- Edit the text of your Kindle Highlight. See Editing your Kindle Highlights
- Add Notes to your Kindle Highlights. See Adding Notes to your Kindle Highlights
- Delete the Kindle Highlight. See Deleting your Kindle Highlights
- Copy your Kindle Highlight to the Clipboard.
- Edit Tags. See Tagging your Kindle Highlights
- Open the Kindle Highlight in the Kindle Desktop App at the location where it was Highlighted. See Open in Kindle.
- Open the Highlight Action Menu.
- Favorite your Kindle Highlight by clicking this heart icon or the favorite menu option. See Favoriting your Kindle Highlights
- The Kindle Highlight color applied in the Kindle App.
- See which Integrations this Highlight has been exported to.
- The location or page of the Kindle Highlight.
- The type of the Kindle Annotation. Highlight, Bookmark, Clipping or Note.
- The date the Highlight was created on your Kindle device or the Kindle App.
- The source of the Kindle Highlights. My Clippings.txt or the Amazon Kindle Highlights page via the Browser Extension.
- Open the Kindle Highlight in the Kindle Desktop App at the location where it was Highlighted. See Open in Kindle.